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Eurizon Capital

8, Avenue de la Liberté

L-1930 Luxembourg


Ansprechpartner Institutionelle Anleger

Gerald H. Saam

Senior Sales Manager Germany

Telefon: Ph. +49 69 667 748485 / Mob. +49 151 511 50249

E-mail: gerald.saam@eurizoncapital.lu

Ansprechpartner Institutionelle Anleger

Howard Luder

Country Head Germany & Austria & Netherlands

Telefon: Ph. +49 69 667 748484 / Mob. +49 171 411 4113

E-mail: howard.luder@eurizoncapital.lu

Unternehmen im Überblick

Eurizon is a prominent international player in the asset management industry offering a wide range of products. Eurizon Capital SGR is part of the Asset Management Division of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group.

It has a presence in Europe through its subsidiaries:

  • Eurizon Capital S.A., a Luxembourg-based asset management company focused on developing foreign markets

  • Epsilon SGR, a boutique specialized in structured products

  • the Eastern European HUB (Eurizon Asset Management Slovakia, CIB IFM and PBZ Invest)

  • Eurizon Capital Real Asset (51%), which focuses on alternative asset classes

  • Eurizon SLJ Capital LTD (65%), an asset management company based in Great Britain focused on macroeconomic research and currency strategies.

Eurizon has a presence in Asia through Eurizon Capital Asia Limited and its 49% stake in the Chinese company Penghua Fund Management.

Marktposition und Zielkunden

Eurizon markets its Luxembourg funds in 25 countries and operates in France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. Eurizon offers a wide range of products designed to meet the needs of Clients base with a large choice of investment styles and proven expertise in bond, multi-asset and quantitative investment.

Our international services are tailored to institutional and wholesale clients.

Eurizon Fund is a Luxembourgish umbrella funds created in 1998 and marketed in more than 20 countries. Eurizon Funds range fulfils the asset allocation needs of clients through 82 sub-funds subdivided in five different range under specialized management:

  • Line “Limited Tracking Error” (27 sub-funds)

  • Line “Factors” (5 sub-funds)

  • Line “Treasury Management” (3 sub-funds)

  • Line “Active – Market” (26 sub-funds)

  • Line “Active – Strategy” (21 sub-funds)

Allgemeine Investmentphilosophie

The Investment Process comprises 3 “sub-processes”:

  • Strategic Process, which represents the “upper part” of the overall process, connected to the work of the Board of Directors

  • Management Process, relating to the activities of steering performed by the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager (below Chief Executive Officer) and the Investment Director, and implementation of the portfolios by the Management Units in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and the Investment Director

  • Control Process for the assets under management, in which the Risk Management Function, with the support of the Compliance & AML Function and the various levels of the Investments Department, checks the consistency of the assets with the guidelines established overall within the Investment Process.

The General Investment Strategies consist of:

  • Strategic allocation by macro-asset class and the allocation for the hedging strategies of reserved open-end funds (hedge funds of funds).

  • Strategic allocation by sector (with the non-binding indication of the geographic "preference") and risk profile of issuers/transactions of funds of Real & Alternative Asset.

  • Risk Budget: Level of maximum risk of the products.

  • Strategic Views (Positive, Negative, Neutral).

esg philosophie

Eurizon is committed to a culture that promotes the value of people, their aspirations and savings at large: a financial humanism based on respect, accountability, awareness of one’s own qualities. In making investment choices, the integration of methodologies for the selection of financial instruments that take into account Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, and Sustainable and Responsible investment (SRI) principles, is a necessary element to achieve performances that are sustainable over time.

This is why Eurizon has embraced the 6 Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and has adopted a methodology for the selection of financial instruments that considers environmental, social and governance factors, as an integral part of the investment process, aiming to contain the risks, also of a reputational nature.

Eurizon attaches great importance to monitoring the companies it invests in and engaging with them, taking part in their Shareholders’ Meetings, adopting an approach that focuses on corporate governance and participation in the meetings of selected companies.

For more information, please klick HERE


ESG-Officer / ESG-Abteilung
Nachhaltigkeits-/ESG-Bericht (Unternehmensbericht)

ESG Rating (Unternehmen)
Unterzeicher der UN PRI
TELOS ESG Company Check


Aktien x
Renten x
Multi Asset

Kompetenz des Hauses bezüglich ESG Strategien

Eurizon has always distinguished itself for its transparency in providing investment services, and according to the European legislation, it adopted an internal Sustainability Policy that illustrates how sustainability risks are integrated in the investment decision-making process, and defines specific methodologies for the selection and monitoring of financial instruments, that take into account the Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) principles, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors.

To promote the correct application of the sustainability policy, Eurizon has established a dedicated system that requires the involvement of dedicated corporate bodies and structures, with well-defined tasks, specific responsibilities, and ongoing monitoring by supervisory bodies. Furthermore, Eurizon has also included in the pre-contractual disclosures for its mutual funds and portfolio management mandates, the description of the manner in which sustainability risks are integrated into investment decisions, as per Art. 6 of the SFDR Regulation, and, for products that promote, among other characteristics, environmental or social characteristics, or that have sustainable investment as their objective, Eurizon has made available the further information required by Articles 8 and 9 of the Regulation. In defining and monitoring the products that promote environmental or social characteristics, or that have sustainable investments as their objective, and therefore meet the requirements of Articles 8 and 9 of the Regulation, Eurizon has defined specific sustainability risk integration strategies in the management of products.

In line with the PRI Principle No 1 and the obligations imposed by Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability information in the financial services sector, the Company set out specific selection and monitoring methodologies of the financial instruments aimed at integrating the sustainability risks inside the Investment process of the assets under management.

The following paragraphs report a description of the controls adopted by Eurizon Capital, in line with the following ESG/SRI strategies:

SRI EXCLUSION/LIMITATION: issuers excluded from the Investment Universe of the assets under management (known as “SRI Binding screening”); for Limited Tracking Error Funds (except LTE ESG products) or indexed products, the maximum direct investment allowed is equal to the weight of the issuer in the reference parameter; issuers operating in sectors deemed not to be “socially responsible” are those companies characterized by a clear direct involvement in the manufacture of unconventional weapons (Landmines, Cluster bombs, Nuclear weapons, Depleted uranium, Biological weapons, Chemical weapons, Invisible cluster munitions, Blinding Lasers, Incendiary weapons, White phosphorus) or in the thermal coal sector

ESG EXCLUSION/LIMITATION: issuers excluded from the Investment Universe of the assets under management (known as “ESG Binding screening”); for Limited Tracking Error Funds (except LTE ESG products) or indexed products, the maximum direct investment allowed is equal to the weight of the issuer in the reference parameter; “critical” issuers are those companies with the highest exposure to environmental, social and corporate governance risks, i.e. with a lower ESG sustainability rating level in the equity and bond investment universe

INTEGRATION OF ESG FACTORS: integration of ESG factors in the analysis, selection and composition of the managed portfolios and aims to build a portfolio with a higher average ESG score than that of its investment universe (known as “ESG integration”)

CARBON FOOTPRINT: methods to integrate carbon dioxide (CO2 ) footprint measurements in portfolio construction and aims to build a portfolio with a lower CO2 footprint than that of its investment universe

IMPACT INVESTING: investment selection methods aimed at generating a social or environmental impact along with a measurable financial return (known as “Impact investing”)

ACTIVE OWNERSHIP: promotion of a proactive interaction with the issuing companies, both by exercising the rights to attend and vote and by being proactive with the investee companies by encouraging an effective communication with the management of the companies (known as engagement). In this context, the Company set out specific decision-making processes and “Operational Limits” aimed at containing the risks, including reputational ones, of the managed portfolios connected to ESG and SRI issues, whose compliance is monitored by the Risk Management function.

ESG Awards for our funds:

Eurizon Fund - Absolute Green Bonds

“Best Green Bond Fund” by MainStreet Partners

"Best ESG Investment Fund: Climate/Green Bonds" at the ESG Investing Awards 2022

For more information abaout our sustainable products, please klick HERE


ESG verfahren und methoden

verfahren / methode

ESG Intergration
Best in Class Ansatz
Ausschlusskriterien x
Positiv Screening

Impact Investing
Engagement / Active Ownership
Mindeststandards / Normenbasierte Kriterien

ESG Reporting